Sophie Willoughby is the artist/maker behind Willo Prints - pictured right with one of her flags from the Chain Stories project.
Sophie is a multi-disciplinary image maker who has a passion for printmaking. With a particular love of screenprinting for its versatile nature, she is able to incorporate methods including photography, drawing, and collage.
Photography is her usual starting point, capturing subjects of intrigue from the outside world. These images are used as inspiration and often developed using printmaking techniques.
She works in series so you'll find an eclectic mix of subjects including architecture and the urban environment, people and carnival. She likes to work with a collage and montage aesthetic, juxtaposing different elements - images, shapes and mark-making - to produce work that has beauty and intrigue with a playful element. Inspired by many different designer/makers she has a particular love of the Bauhaus and Russian Constructivist artists and designers.
Sophie has been making since childhood. She gained a First Class degree in Fine Art and went on to study MA Printmaking. Following this she was awarded a year’s scholarship at Spike Print Studio, Bristol and has exhibited her work in the UK and abroad. She believes the arts can be used in many ways from creating beautiful objects, education to health and well being.
Her recent works show a develop in an illustrative style, inspired by nature, working with drawing and print. For Willo Prints she to expand into the fields of textile print and produce homeware, accessories and stationery products. Watch this space!

You can also find Sophie's creations on:
Instagram @willo.prints for posts regarding inspiration and ongoing projects.
Etsy Shop: WilloPrints
Facebook page: Sophie Willoughby Print
Pinterest: Soph Willoughby
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